
Red Dead Redemption 2 officiel launch oktober 2018

Et af årets mest hypede spil har fået en releasedato!

Rockstar Games kan nu officielt bekræfte, at Red Dead Redemption 2 rammer markedet d. 26. oktober 2018. 

Selvom det er rart med en officiel dato, så er det også ens betydende med, at der er en forsinkelse. Rockstar fortæller følgende omkring lanceringen:

We are excited to announce that Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on October 26th 2018. We apologize to everyone disappointed by this delay. While we had hoped to have the game out sooner, we require a little extra time for polish.
We sincerely thank you for your patience and hope that when you get to play the game, you will agree the wait will have been worth it. In the meantime, please check out these screenshots from the game. We look forward to sharing a lot more information with you in the coming weeks.

Nu ved vi i det mindste, hvornår vi skal sætte kryds i kalenderen til flere måneders intens gaming!

Red Dead Redemption 2 officiel launch oktober 2018

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