
Derfor er alle sith-lyssværd i Star Wars røde

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Måske har du aldrig tænkt over det. Måske kender du allerede svaret. Eller måske tænker du over det, hver gang du ser det, men får det aldrig undersøgt: Hvorfor er alle sith-lyssværd røde? 

Blandt de gode gutter findes der både grønne, blå, hvide og endda lilla. Men the bad guys bruger altid røde. Hvorfor? 

Det svar findes i Star Wars bogen Ahsoka, men hvis du ikke lige har den stående hjemme på hylden, så får du heldigvis også svaret lige her: 

Star Wars has always made the affiliations of its Force users very clear: the dark side has red sabers and the light side has all the others. This is useful from a visual perspective, it helps the audience know who’s who, but is there a functional reason? Why doesn’t a Sith ever choose to use a blue or green lightsaber? Ahsoka provides a very clear answer to this question: because they can’t.

Kyber crystals choose Force users and present themselves to their desired owner, but dark siders don’t experience this same connection to the crystals. The only way the Sith and other dark side Force users can collect kyber crystals is by stealing them or plundering them off the bodies of their fallen foes. Even if a dark sider were to acquire a kyber crystal from a green or blue, the act of bending the crystal to their will in a new lightsaber will cause the crystal to “bleed,” turning it red.

Ret sejt fun fact at smide næste gang, samtaleemnet falder på Star Wars, hva?

Selv tak. 

Derfor er alle sith-lyssværd i Star Wars røde

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