
Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Dr. Dre og Kendrick Lamar på tour bliver måske en realitet

Det fortæller Mr. D. O. Double G himself!

Snoop Dogg. Eminem. Dr. Dre. Kendrick Lamar. På tour. Ja, det ser ud til, at det rent faktisk kan blive en realitet. I hvert fald ifølge Snoop Dogg, som i DJ Whoo kids radioshow fortalte: 

“We’re trying to get it together. Dre said he want it to be myself, him, Kendrick, Eminem. It’s a wishlist that can possibly become a reality, if all parties agree. I’d love to make it happen. I love everybody involved and I ain’t trying to get all the money. I just want what I’m worth and I’m gonna’ do what I do.”

Et lignende lineup er ikke set siden Up In Smoke touren i 2000, hvor Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre og Eminem var på tour sammen.

Det bedste ved det hele? Dr. Dre fortæller, at han ønsker at tage touren til Europa: 

This is one of the things that I’ve dreamed about doing. I want to call it ‘Beats & Rhymes’. I want it to be me and Snoop. I want it to be Eminem. I want it to be Kendrick Lamar. Do a tour over in Europe and call it Beats & Rhymes and take our full production over there and take our full stage over there and show Europe the same amount of love that they been showing me throughout my entire career. So, that’s my dream. Hopefully we can make that happen.

Se, dét er en koncert, vi gerne vil have billetter til!


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