Se traileren til Upgrade - Sci-Fi action fra manden bag Saw og Insidious
Seriøs smæk på denne film
Hvis du parrer Terminator med John Wick, og tilsætter lidt horrorflair, så får du en film som Upgrade.
Filmen her ser genial ud. Plottet: En teknofobisk mand, der er ude på at få hævn over sin kones morder, og samtidig leder efter en kur for hans lammelse, får installeret en eksperimentiel computerchip, der hedder STEM. Chippen er et elektronisk implantat, der kan forbedre, og styre menneskets nervesystem, og det giver pludselig en masse nye muligheder. For vold.
Upgrade er skabt af Leigh Whannell, manden bag de første Saw-film og Insidious serien. Det betyder, at vi har at gøre med en film, der i den grad udnytter mulighederne for on-screen vold og masser af horror-elementer. Og det lover rigtigt godt for filmen, der trods sin klassificering som Sci-Fi Thriller, mest af alt ligner en seriøs actionfilm!
The very first trailer for Saw and Insidious architect Leigh Whannell‘s anticipated new sci-fi thriller Upgrade has emerged.
Starring Logan Marshall-Green, Rosco Campbell and Richard Cawthorne, Upgrade revolves around the story of a “technophobe” who aims to avenge his wife’s murder and cure his own paralysis with an experimental, dangerous computer chip implant known as STEM.
“I just had an idea about a computer that was controlling a human, puppeteering them but the human was still in there and was involuntarily having to do these things,” Whannell previously told Deadline, explaining the back-story and inspirations behind his latest project. “It took a while to develop the story and each beat of the story to get it where it was but as I was doing that I was reading a lot about the singularity and the fact that computers being a part of our bodies is right around the corner. So it’s started becoming more and more interesting to me and I started becoming more obsessed with it.”
You can check out the lead trailer for Upgrade above. The film is set to hit theaters on June 1