
Rick & Morty-skaber bekræfter, at de allerede arbejder på sæson 6

Lang tid før afslutningen på sæson 4!

Mens vi ugentligt får de sidste 4 afsnit af Rick & Morty serveret i weekenden i disse dage, så er der godt nyt til fans af showet.

Co-creator Dan Harmon bekræftede via sin Instagram, at sæson 6 af serien allerede er igang med at blive skrevet.

Det er ret vildt at tænke på, når vi mangler sæson 4 i sin helhed og slet ikke har hørt nærmere om sæson 5.

Men femte sæson er eftersigende allerede godt i spil med storyboards og manuskripter - de mangler blot af blive indspillet. 

Men når man tænker på, at de har lovet 70 nye afsnit efter sæson 3 - så er der også nok at tage fat i!

Vis dette opslag på Instagram

Today we Zoom a special reunion table read of the Community episode in which Pierce bestows frozen sperm from his grave. The incredible Walton Goggins can?t make it so Pedro Pascal will play Pierce?s lawyer. He?s on some Disney show where Boba Fett?s in college with Yoda?s niece. In keeping with that theme, the part of Troy will be played by Lando. Yes, for real, the whole gang is back together. We got Horse Girl, we got Card Shark, we got ?em all. I don?t know the details of when it will be available, but don?t worry about missing it, we?re doing it for you. Also streaming it live could never happen because we have to edit out @yvettenicolebrown?s rants about storming Area 51. One more magical thing about today: the script we?re reading, Cooperative Polygraphy, is by Community and Rick and Morty alum Alex Rubens, who is BACK at RaM writing on season 6. He was wearing a suit in yesterday?s Zoom session because during lunch he was attending a Zoom funeral. Not a joke. Hard to tell jokes from life these days. These are odd times but everybody that worked on the show has been feeling the love and joy from all the rookie and veteran Community fans binging the show on Netflix. I?m going to go take the first pre-table read shower of my life. Sincere love to the fans and the cast, thanks for the best pre-Cody years of my life #sixseasonsandamovie

Et opslag delt af Dan Harmon (@danharmon) den


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