568 printere benyttet med absurde mængder af kreativitet
OK Go har skabt lidt af et kultfølge på Youtube, på grund af deres altid vilde musikvideo opsætninger (Tjek relaterede artikler).
Og nu er de ude med endnu en video, denne gang er det en installation af 568 laserprintere, der står for det vildeste visuelle udtryk.
Bandet selv forklarer, at videoen har skabt lidt problemer for teknikken på Youtube: Your viewing experience will look significantly better if you manually set your YouTube resolution settings to 1440p or 2160p (for desktop, click the gear icon in the lower right). Just leaving it on “Auto HD” results in some pretty intense distortion during a few sections, because when the the colors and patterns get crazy, there’s actually just too much information flying by for YouTube’s normal HD compression. We broke the matrix. The good people of YouTube have been working with us to solve this (it’s a bit rate limitation issue) over the last 24 hours, but there’s no quick fix, and now it’s Thanksgiving in the US, and we’re all with our families."