Interview m. drengene fra Epic Meal Time
De er kendt som bacon-guderne, kolesterol-gutterne og ikke mindst de Jack D-elskende macho-drengerøve
Vi har været så heldige at få et interview med genierne bag Youtube-fænomenet Epic Meal Time, som enhver drengerøv burde have kendskab til på nuværende tidspunkt.
Skulle det ikke være tilfældet, har du i hvert fald mulighed for at kigge lidt nærmere på bacon-gutterne i denne artikel.
How did you guys come up with this idea?
We were drunk and when we sobered up, we still thought it was a good idea. So Harley grabbed his camera, grabbed MusclesGlasses and made the first episode.
People often refer to your program as’ Jackass in a kitchen’ – what’s your response to that?
If you look at our logo, we modeled it after the Jackass logo. So we clearly embrace it.
What’s the best thing you’ve ever cooked in your programs?
Bacon. Obviously.
To those people, if any, who say bacon is unhealthy and disgusting, what do you respond?
Good. More for us. Dummies.
Are the vegetarians your sworn enemy?
No. That gives them too much credit. They're just there and thats fine, we just don't want to hear about how they're vegetarians.
If you could choose only one animal being protected by law and therefore illegal to hunt down and eat, what would it be?
What’s your favorite beer?
All Canadian beers!
Does a macho YouTube cooking show like yours increase chances of hooking up with good looking women?
Smell our fingers and you'll know the answer.
When I mention Denmark, what’s the first thing that pops into your minds?
Remoulade and all the Danish girls that I've poked with my downtown dangle.
Well, said guys!
Hvis du ikke vil gå glip af fremtidige afsnit af dette awesome program, så kan du finde alle deres videoer her:
The Slaughterhouse!
Som en lille forsmag på Epic Meal Time har vi smidt et lille klip ind i artiklen, enjoy!