
Drømmejobbet: Medie søger bacon-anmelder

Mmmm bacon..

Bacon, verdens bedste krydderi.. Mmm bacon. Vi kan ikke få nok af det, men kan folkene på ExtraCrispy godt, for de har i hvert fald valgt at oprette en helt ny stilling, til en bacon-skribent. 

I stillingsopslaget forklarer sitet stillingen således: 

"Do you like eating strips of cured pork belly*, a.k.a. bacon? Do you have strong feelings about what makes good bacon good and bad bacon bad? Is "bad bacon" even a thing? Can you string words into sentences and paragraphs that convey information and entertain readers? 

If you answered "Yes!!!!!!!" to at least three of those, read on. Extra Crispy is seeking a freelance Bacon Critic to cover the bacon beat, spanning bacon’s role in food, drinks, and culture. Our Bacon Critic can live anywhere in the U.S. and will spend a three-month appointment researching, writing about, obsessing over, and critiquing bacon. Yes, this is a very real paid freelance position we’re looking to fill in the near future.

The Extra Crispy Bacon Critic needs to be opinionated and thorough in his or her research, and will be expected to eventually decide which bacon is the best in the country. Other qualifications include serious writing chops, an unmistakable voice, a sense of adventure, and an insatiable hunger—for bacon. 

To apply, send a short essay of fewer than 600 words recounting your favorite bacon-related memory to [email protected] by June 24, 2016. Writers with funny and memorable stories are preferred, so let it all hang out. We'll show you ours if you show us yours. Your bacon, we mean, sicko."

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Drømmejobbet: Medie søger bacon-anmelder

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