
Blizzard genudgiver legendarisk spil

Godt nyt til de nostalgiske Diablo-fans!

Fuld ild på retro-begejstringen!

Blizzard har i dag annonceret - og relanceret det originale Diablo fra 1996. 

Relanceringen sker i samarbejde med platformen GOG.COM, der har som formål at udbyde og bevare gode spil. 

We were bummed that these iconic games weren’t available to our players, so we‘re very happy to work with the crew at to rectify that,” said Rob Bridenbecker, Vice President and Executive Producer, Blizzard Entertainment. “This has been a long time coming and we hope our players will be excited to jump back into these classic titles.”

In addition to bringing back the first Diablo, Blizzard is planning other GOG.COM re-releases of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II. More information on the return to Azeroth will be revealed soon. 

"Crawling through the original Diablo's dungeons, together with Blizzard, is a feeling of pure excitement," said Oleg Klapovsky, SVP at GOG. "It's a personal thing for many of us, and the most wished-for game in our community. Taking the first few steps beneath the Tristram Cathedral, listening to the guidance of Cain the Elder—it's all coming back, for old souls and newcomers alike.”

Diablo er tilgængelig til Windows PC nu (igen), på!


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