
Årets Spotify Wrapped er landet og i år bliver du tildelt en af 16 musikpersonligheder

Er du The Replayer, Jukeboxen eller The Early Adopter?

Årets Spotify Wrapped er landet og i år bliver du tildelt en af 16 musikpersonligheder
Spotify Wrapped
Mikkel M. Vermeulen
Af Mikkel M. Vermeulen 30. november 2022

Årets Spotify Wrapped er landet og i år bliver man tildelt en af 16 musikpersonligheder
Er du The Replayer, Jukeboxen eller The Early Adopter? 

Spotify er på plads med deres årlige tradition: Spotify Wrapped. Du ved, den der visualisering af, hvordan du har lyttet til musik gennem appen i et helt år. 

Det plejer at være underholdende, men også konfronterende. For hvor mange gange har man egentlig lyttet til Stor Mand, og hvor meget kan den bære at blive lyttet til? 

Spotify musikpersonlighed
Spotify musikpersonlighed

I år har Spotify tilføjet et slutkort, der tildeler brugeren en musikpersonlighed – en slags 16-Personalities personlighedsprofil, bare rent fokuseret på musik. 

Her scorer appen din musiksmag gennem fire forskellige metrics, der opvejer relationen mellem:

Familiært (F) vs udforskende (E)
Loyalitet (L) vs afveksling (V)
Tidløshed (T) vs nyhed (N)
Ordinært (C) vs unikt (U)

Afvejningen af disse metrics resulterer i et resultat, der giver brugeren en af 16 musikpersonligheder. Som er:

The Adventurer (ENVU)
You're a seeker of sound. You venture out into the unknown, searhcing for fresher artists, deeper cuts, never tracks – especially gems yet to be found.

The Early Adopter (ENVC)
You've got your finger on the pulse of new music, always seeking the next hot thing. If a song is trending, you're on it.

The Deep Diver (FTVU)
When you love an artist, you dive deep into their catalogues, taking in all the sights and sounds you discover along the way.

The Devotee (FNLU)
When you love an artist, you really love them. You're the kind of fan that knows all the words to the hits, the deep cuts, and every song in between.

The Replayer (FTLU)
You're a comfort listener. You stick with the songs you like, by the artists you like, from whenever and wherever. Why rock the boat?

The Connoisseur (FTLC)
You've got taste that people can get behind. Your music preferences are proven by popularity and time.

The Maverick (ETLU)
You know who you are as a listener. While everyone's bathing in the mainstream, you're frollicking in that sidestream

The Fan Clubber (FNVC)
You're the type of fan that artists dream of. When you love an artist, you support them with your full heart. 

The Top Charter (ETLC)
You love a hit song – the kind of track that everyone knows the words to. If music is climbing the charts, you're sure to have it blasting.

The Enthusiast (FNLC)
You're a super fan. When your favorite artist releases new music, you're among the first to know, going above and beyond to show your support.

The Time Traveler (ETVU)
You're like a musical time traveler, a sonic historian. You seek out music that's new to you, regardless of whether it's new to the rest of the world.

The Musicologist (ETVC)
You're a budd of the beats. An aficionado of sound. You're in tune with music's past and present, gravitating towards songs that stand the test of time.

The Nomad (ENLU)
You're a sonic explorer that listens far and wide, but once you find a song or artist you love, it's with you always. Kind of like a musical souvenir.

The Voyager (ENLC)
You expand your world through sound. You're like a musical globetrotter. Or a music-filled blowfish. Your call.

The Jukeboxer (FTVC)
You don't just have one favorite song, you have many. And you love listening to them all, excited to queue up what's next. 

The Specialist (FNVU)
You're selective with the music and artists you listen to, but you've got lots of love to go round. Once you decide you like an artist, you're all in. 

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