
Fyr spiser en hel Domino's pizza hver dag i et år - og taber sig

God forbrænding og motion ved siden af må være hemmeligheden.

Brian Northrup kalder sig selv Lord og Pizza, da han rent faktisk har formået at spise en pizza fra Domino's HVER DAG I ET ÅR!

Selvom det måske bare lyder ganske idiotisk og som en mærkelig form for rekord, så er der nok et par stykker derude, som er lidt misundelig på, at han lever livet, som han vil. 

Selvom han spiste en pizza hver dag i 373 dage (ja, faktisk mere end i et år!), så formåede han at tabe sig!


Selv udtaler han følgende om sin proces og tanker bag:

“The real ambition of the series had less to do with cheese and sauce, and more to do with sharing the mental framework I’ve used to achieve the level of fitness.

“Too often have I heard trainers, fitness ‘gurus’ and even doctors tell people: ‘You can’t outwork a bad diet.’ I believe all of those people vastly underestimate what is possible through hard work.

“Just look at Michael Phelps; the man became arguably the greatest athlete in the world on a diet he claimed consisted of pizza, as well as a lot of other ‘bad’ foods, on a daily basis. I think a good diet is highly dependent on the individual and it is more important to focus on making sure your diet includes everything you need, than what you need to cut out.”

#PIZZAPOCALYPSE THE FINAL PHYSIQUE: An ENTIRE @dominos pizza EVERY DAY for a leep year and a day (367 total) Recorded yesterday on day 367/367 The #PIZZAPOCALYPSE is complete. My final weigh in was 161.2 lbs. For comparison, my weigh in on day 1 was 167.1 lbs.  I LOST 5.9 lbs eating an entire pizza every day for a year.  In addition, I've increased my strength, speed, AND (most important to me) my cardiovascular endurance over the course of this endeavor.  Also, I haven't been sick for a single day of this experience, nor have I injured myself a single time. Still behind on editing the final videos, but very open to ideas on where to go next, both here and on my YouTube channel (just search my name if you're not following me there yet but are interested). So PLEASE, hit me up with ideas.  Eating challenges, Fitness videos, Reviews or Perspectives on anything Superhero/Comicbook/GoT/Fantasy related, videos on mindset, etc.  Anyways, that's it. Thank you SO MUCH to all you Pizza Lovers out there who have been with me on this quest of deliciousness! Mischief Managed.

Et opslag delt af 🍕Lord of Pizza🍕 (@brian.northrup) den


Selvfølgelig sad han ikke på sin flade røv i et helt år - ved siden af sin pizzafråder løftede han vægte 3-4 gange om ugen og lavede 30-40 kilometers cardio om dagen.

- og så tabte han 2,6 kilo i løbet af det år. Det er ganske imponerende, når man tænker på, at manden har fortæret en hel pizza hver dag.

Respekt. Også lidt fuck dig, men respekt. 


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